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Why Innovation Fails Chapter Sources:
MIT Research Study
According to MIT, the average executive spends 23 hours a week in meetings. When can you get work done if half of your time is in meetings, where you are probably getting assigned even more work!
How Sears Changed America
Sears was the first to bring catalogs and shopping into homes in 1902. Sears added anchor stores to malls during WWI to help small suburban towns survive hard economic times.
How Sears Changed America - Article, CNN Money
Rise and Fall of Sears
By the 1990s, one of seven Americans worked or had worked for Sears. Sears changed people’s lives, shifted how consumers bought, and paved the way for thousands of retailers for decades to come. How Sears transformed retail, had free shipping, curbside delivery, and mobile optimization but was still clobbered by the competition.
The Rise and Fall of Sears, Article, DigitalCommerce360
Amazon Innovation
Just to give you an understanding of how important Amazon has made innovation, here is a high-level overview of the process they follow with new ideas or innovative ideas.
Greg Satell, How Amazon Innovates, Medium


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