Discovered Book
About Discovered book

84% of all shopper journeys start with an online search and 90% of us use search across the entire buying journey. As search ad spend costs increase, yet reach and ROI decreases, brands need a way to stand out organically online.
This book gives you a way to stand out organically and own the first page of Google with a rich, engaging experience. These are the secrets that the top 1% of brands don't want you to know about but implemented properly can be game changing for your brand.

In 2018, there were an estimated 250 Billion voices searches on Google alone. That doesn't even include the questions everyone asks to Alexa! Voice search is a new behavior that people are adopting at a rapid pace.
Voice Search does not replace traditional search or the need for good SEO. This is a new channel that is a great opportunity for any brand to get found during every phase of the customer journey. Learn about your voice market opportunity and how to get started.

Keeping up with rapid changing shopper behavior is not an easy task. For years, brands with multi-million dollar marketing budgets force the rest of us to scramble to try to keep up. Brands that are future-focused and leverage innovative thinking with emerging technology are turning the tables on huge global brands with deep pockets.
This book gives you innovative use cases that brands are using to lead and shape shopper behavior for their categories.
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